Tuesday 13 May 2014

My Summer Reading List

I'm adding these three books to my summer reading list. "Wish You Happy Forever" and "In Pursuit of Orphan Excellence" will be first time reads. "Kisses from Katie" will be a re-read as is one of my all time favourites. I'm sure as summer approaches there will be a few more added to this list. I was given a Kobo for Mother's Day last year and have become rather addicted to late night reading. I tend to fall asleep when the weight of it hits me in the face. 

I'm sure I will read these at record speed and need to find a few more to last me through the summer. What will you be reading?

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” 
― Mother Teresa 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Almost Perfect.

This shirt would be perfect if I made one little adjustment. It would say eat chocolate instead of drink coffee.

Pure Religion

Not Everyone.

"Not everyone is equipped to adopt, and there is no judgment there. But then the question can turn to, “How can I support waiting children, orphans, foster families, adoptive families, and orphan care organizations?” Because as the fatherless, those children are “OUR” children, and if the little ones who gather around our breakfast table each morning were in the same situation, we would desperately pray for the kindness of strangers to care for them while we could not."


Tuesday 23 October 2012

This is where we used to live.

This is where we used to live. There are not many fantastic things about apartment living, however, we did fall in love with the sunsets. It has been a strange adjustment to not look out the window and be able to predict the weather based on the the view. We saw some great storms and some lovely sunsets.